How to grow spider plant shortly and caring this plant indoor

I have 4 spider plants in my home, and every day, I take care of them very carefully. Today, I am sharing with you how to grow and care for a spider plant very easily. Spider plants are excellent plants, and for the last 4 years, I have been taking care of them smoothly. If you don’t know about spider plants, then this blog is very important for you because I will cover everything about spider plants in this blog.

The scientific name of this plant is Chlorophytum comosum. Generally, this plant grows to be 12-18 inches tall. My plants are growing very well with no problems, all thanks to some proper care. I will now explain how to care for this plant. Spider plants can be planted at any time and grow very quickly with a little care. The only damage that affects this plant is frost.

Common Name
Spider Plants
Botanical Name
Chlorophytum comosum
Plant Type
Herbaceous, perennial
Mature Size
1-2 fit tall and wide
Sun Exposure
Soil Type
Bloom Time
Flowers regularly
Flower Colour
Native Area
Central and Southern Africa
Hardiness Zones
9-11 ( USDA)

Can Spider Plants Live Outside

If the spider plant is planted outside the house, certain things must be followed very carefully to keep the plant alive. For instance, it should be planted when the climate is favorable, meaning when it is mildly cold, so the plant can thrive and stay cool. If this plant blooms in the climate and the spider plant grows well from the seeds of this flower. But keep in mind that this plant can’t tolerate too much sun; filtered sunlight benefits this plant very well.

Why is this tree called spider tree

If you don’t know, in this blog, you will discover why this plant is called a spider plant. The leaves of this plant are small and droop downwards, resembling the legs of a spider, hence the name “spider plant.” While this plant can certainly survive outdoors with proper care, it is relatively easy to grow indoors.

Spider Plants and Cats

Many people are curious about spider plants and cats, wondering whether a cat eating the leaves of a spider plant will harm them or not. Additionally, they may wonder why cats are so drawn to this particular plant. I’ll address these questions based on my personal experience.

I vividly recall an incident in 2021 when my cat snuck and consumed numerous spider plant leaves, subsequently refusing other food. Concerned, I took the cat to the vet, who diagnosed stomach pain and vomiting due to ingesting the spider plant leaves. I learned that these leaves contain chemical compounds potentially harmful to cats, which can lead to severe consequences, including death.

As for why cats are attracted to spider plants, the primary reason is their mild hallucinogenic properties. Yes, it’s true that cats are drawn to spider plants for some chemical reason.

Benifits of spider plant?

We all recognize trees as our friends because they supply us with oxygen, but what many don’t realize is that trees also purify the air inside our homes. Surprised? Keep reading the full blog to learn more details.

Air Purification

The Spider plant effectively cleans the air in the home or office. It plays a crucial role in removing various chemicals, including formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air.

Health Benefits

A healthy person can travel and do whatever he wants, so it is very important to be healthy to survive and do whatever he wants. If there is a spider tree in the house, then the environment of the house is very good, sleep is good at night, blood pressure is reduced, mental fatigue is reduced.

Care of spider plants

Here are the most important things to know about spider plant care

  • Light
  • Soil
  • Water
  • Temperature and Humidity
  • Fertilizer
  • Pruning

If these things can be observed well, then the spider tree can be cultivated very well. I will now try to explain each of these points from my personal experience and present in simple terms the way I care for spider plants.


This plant cannot receive sunlight directly, so if filtered light is provided to this plant, it will not harm the plant, and filtered light will be more beneficial for this plant.


The soil plays a very important role for a plant to grow properly because almost 90% of the food plants receive is from the soil. Soil is very essential for plants. I have been using loam soil for spider plants until now. This soil is very beneficial for this plant. Apart from this, this plant can be cultivated in other soils, but good results are not obtained from loamy soils. Another thing to note is that spider plants prefer soil with a certain pH but can tolerate acidic to slightly alkaline soil.


Every plant needs water, and it needs to be watered regularly. Without water, no plant can survive for a long time, and if a plant is given excess water, then it is no longer possible for that plant to survive. The plant’s roots rot, and the plant dies very quickly. So, be very careful when watering the spider plant because over-watering will cause the plant’s roots to rot, leading to the death of the plant. Therefore, before watering this plant, you should check the soil at the base of the plant with your hands. If the soil becomes hard up to an inch, then give a light amount of water, and regularly spray the leaves of the plant with neem leaf juice or any fungicides available in the market. It will be very good.

Temperature and Humidity

As you may know, spider plants do not survive very well below 50 degrees Fahrenheit because these plants require temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. If you keep this plant in your house or indoors, you must be careful. Too cold temperatures, such as those from your house’s AC, are very harmful to this plant. If the leaf tips are turning brown, then you may think that your plant is suffering from damage and not getting the proper temperature. Again, you have to keep in mind that this plant cannot be in direct sunlight as the UV rays from direct sunlight can be harmful to it. So, never place this plant in direct sunlight; only indirect sunlight is needed for this plant.


Fertilizer is very important for a plant because many times the plant does not get all the nutrients from the soil, due to which the normal growth of the plant does not proceed properly. Therefore, artificial fertilization of the plant has to be done, and a lot of care has to be taken during this fertilization. This is because over-fertilizing can cause a lot of damage to the plant and even kill it. So, in the case of the spider plant, all the things you need to take care of while fertilizing are the age of the plant, the normal height of the plant, the normal growth of the plant, etc. You can fertilize once in spring and summer. Never over-fertilize. Over-fertilizing will cause spider plant leaves to turn brown, and the plant will likely die.


Pruning is very important. When the leaves or unwanted stems or branches die, they should be pruned to allow the plant to grow normally without causing any damage to it. Be sure to use a sharp knife when cutting the part. Regular pruning is very beneficial for the plant.

So finally I want to say that if you want to grow or take care of spider plant then you don’t have to waste much time and like other plants you don’t have to spend any extra money for this plant. You can cultivate this tree in a very beautiful way. If you don’t have any experience about trees, you can start with spider tree.

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