How to care zamioculcas zamiifolia indoors and top tips guide

If a plant grows very fast with little care and transforms your home environment into a natural environment then you should grow Zamioculcas zamiifolia because I have been growing ZZ for five years now I have six ZZ plants in my house, they look great and these plants are my Changed the home environment. If you are new to growing this plant, there are a few things you need to know so that you can plant this plant very easily. The characteristics of this plant are somewhat similar to snake plants, that is, if you have cultivated snake plants, you may think that you can easily cultivate this plant 100%.

Moreover, I will present here all the detailed information about this tree from my personal experience, so that you can be 100% sure that after reading my blog completely, you will know nothing about this tree.

Basic Information

Botanical Name

Zamioculcas-Zamiifolia (pronounced zam-ee-oh-KUL-kass zam-ee-FOH-lee-uh)

Common names

ZZ plant, zuzu plant,eternity plant, aroid, Zanzibar gem


East Africa

Plant Type

Herbaceous perennial

Growth Rate



 2 to 3 feet


3 to 5 Inches


This plant produces very few flowers, those that do are hidden at the base of the plant

Are Zamioculcas zamiifolia plants toxic to Cats?

If you thought that this plant had no toxins, you would be very wrong. Because this plant is generally poisonous to both humans and other pets such as cats and dogs, the leaves and stems of this plant can become infected and even fatal if left untreated by a cat or dog. So you have to grow this plant in the nest very carefully and make sure that no cat can come around this plant.

Growing ZZ plant

I will try to explain to you step by step the first things that we need to pay attention to to grow and care for this plant and I will share with you all the ideas that I have gained from my practical experience so that you have a complete understanding of this plant. There will be no problem in accepting. And how to cultivate this tree very easily, I will tell you in detail about it and also present the benefits and disadvantages of this tree. And what kind of soil, water, light, etc. for this plant, how much, and how to use it correctly, I will present through this blog.



Sunlight is very beneficial for this plant but direct sunlight is very harmful for this plant as direct sunlight can burn the leaves of this plant. So direct sunlight should not be given to this plant Filtered sunlight can be used for this plant or the room where this plant will be kept should be kept in direct sunlight if there is direct sunlight then remove this plant from there Will also grow very well under fluorescent lighting.


If you don’t want to be too picky, if you want to choose soil for this plant very simply, the soil characteristics you should select are a soil pH of 6.0 to 7.0 and a well-drained, relatively acidic soil that grows well. This plant also grows well in soil mixed with peat moss, perlite, and cacti or you can plant it.



Temperature is very important for this plant as excess temperature is very harmful for this plant so the ideal temperature for this plant is between 60 and 75 degrees F. Also if ever the temperature in your house or where you keep this plant is above 45 degrees F. If it comes down, remove your plant from there very quickly, it will be very beneficial for the plant.


When you keep this plant in your house or your room, make sure that the humidity of this plant is correct, and to maintain this humidity, this plant can never be placed next to the AC or the ventilator of the room because the AC and ventilator destroy the moisture of the plant, so this Be careful.


We all know that water is very beneficial for every plant and organism and without essential water, no human or any plant or any organism can survive. So water is very necessary for this plant but if you provide extra water to this plant, Then you are sure that this plant will die very quickly, so some things to know about watering this plant are that when the 2 inches of soil between the roots of this plant is dry or this plant can be watered once in 2 weeks, then this plant will grow normally. And there will be no harm to the plant. In winter, water should be used sparingly in this plant because at this time, if you see the plant growing normally without sunlight, then refrain from watering and always take care when the soil at the base of the plant is dry to a depth of two inches. Water can be used to benefit the plants.


It is not necessary to use fertilizer for this plant, however, if ever the normal growth of a plant is less, then a light amount of fertilizer can be used on this plant every few months, but it must be remembered that this plant can never be fertilized in winter. If this is done then the growth of the plant will be lower than normal so fertilizer cannot be used on this plant in winter

Best Caring ZZ plant

Taking care of every plant is very important because without proper care no plant can grow properly so the most important things to keep in mind when taking care of plants are

  • Leap Care
  • Repotting
  • Pruning and shaping

Leap Care

Keeping the leaves of this plant clean makes it look much better and leaves the plant much fresher so you don’t have to worry much about cleaning the leaves of this plant. Spraying water will keep the leaves clean. It would be best if you spray the leaves with fungicidal chemicals once a week, it will be much more beautiful and the leaves will look much better.   


Reporting is good for every plant but you don’t need to do much reporting for this plant. Just reporting once every two years is enough. When you see the roots of this plant have grown too big, you can trim the roots and repot the plant in the same pot or tub. And if you want to change the size of the plant, you need to change the pot or tub.

 Pruning and shaping

Like other trees, this tree should not be pruned again and again, so this tree should be pruned very little, but the dead or infected leaves of this tree should be pruned. The stems that will be extra should be cut, as it will benefit the plant. But if you want to change the tree to a certain size you can prune but before pruning you must wear gloves for safety. If the tree is very old, you can prune all the leaves and branches from the root to the tree according to your needs, this will give the tree a new shape.




Yellowing Leaves

If the plant is overwatered, the leaves turn yellow or the stems turn brown, so to solve this problem, stop watering the plant and wait until the soil at the base of the plant dries to a depth of 2 inches before watering the plant again. You should start giving by trimming the leaves of the dead tree and the dead branches should be pruned. To prevent the roots from rotting, the soil must be changed.

Brown Leaf Tips

To solve this problem the humidity of the plant is very much needed so keep your plant in a place where it will not get direct sunlight but indirect sunlight and if there is no moisture in the air then spray it and plant around where your house AC or room ventilator will be. Keep in mind that this problem will never be solved. So finally I want to say that if you focus on the right things to solve this problem, you are 100% sure that your tree will not have any problem and the tree will continue to grow normally.

The plant is leaning to one Side

Usually, this problem is caused by overwatering because overwatering causes the roots of these plants to lose their ability to function on one side, causing the plant to lean to one side, so to solve the problem, stop overwatering and try to place the plant near a window with fluorescent lighting or Try placing it under an LED grow light.


We all know that pests like [mealbugs, scales, aphids, and spider mites] damage plants, and this plant is no exception, so to protect plants from these pests, clean the leaves with insecticidal soapy water or apply organic neem oil.

Benefits OF ZZ Plants

Because every tree has some beneficial qualities, this tree also has many qualities or benefits. This tree plays a very important role in removing harmful pollutants like formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, and carbon dioxide from the air. So people feel comfortable to keep this tree easily in the house or the house, moreover, if this tree is in the house then the environment of the house changes like a natural feeling is obtained if there is any tree in the house or the house.

In the above discussion, I have tried to give all the details of this tree from my personal experience and I have tried to present in this blog everything that I have come across so far. If you are a newbie then you can start cultivating based on this information about this plant. But remember that the leaves of this plant should never be allowed to be eaten by pet cats or dogs in your home and you must use hand gloves when you take care of this plant yourself.

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