How to Take Care of Orchid Plants and What Are the Benefits of This Plant

Do you know the benefits of orchids? Do you know how harmful orchids can be to dogs or cats? Do you know how to care for orchids? You may have many such questions, and I will try to answer them because I have carefully cultivated about 10-15 Orchid plants for 5 long years, and I have learned how to take care of these plants. I have been cultivating Orchids since 2018, and in my 5-6 years of experience with this plant, I’ve learned how to grow Orchids in a short period using modern methods. If you are a plant lover, then it’s essential to understand how to grow orchids carefully because some minor mistakes can play a significant role in killing your beloved orchids. Therefore, to avoid such unwanted outcomes, you must have a proper understanding of orchids before cultivating them, or if you already have orchids at home, it’s important to know how to care for them properly. In this blog, I will highlight all these things based on my personal experience in real life.

What Are Orchid plants?

Orchids are the scientific name of the tree (Orchidaceous). This tree grows very well on all continents of the world except Antarctica, where it does not grow. Orchids do not tolerate excessive heat and grow best in cool climates. Since these plants mostly grow in forests, they thrive as ‘epiphytes’. ‘Epiphytes’ means that these plants are attached to very dense aerial roots and can hold water between the leaves and stems of these plants, which we all know as ‘pseudobulbs’. Orchids that grow in soil, including British species, are known as ‘terrestrial’. Moreover, some plants grow on rocks, known as lithophytes. This tree produces very beautiful flowers. There are about 900-30,000 species of orchids. But generally, this tree consists of two species: one species grows on different trees, and another species grows on the ground. Orchids that grow on different trees are called epiphytic, and those that grow on the ground are called terrestrial.

Benefits of Orchid plants 

The benefits of Orchid trees are numerous. There are so many benefits to this plant that it would be impossible to cover them all in one writing, given its medicinal properties. The leaves, flowers, and roots of this plant offer numerous advantages. While I am not a doctor, I will attempt to present information gathered from doctors and scientists regarding the benefits of orchids.

Now, I will discuss the benefits of some remarkable orchids that can greatly enhance our lives.

• Helps in weight loss.
• Cures stomach ulcers.
• Resolves menstrual problems.
• Eliminates the problem of indigestion.
• Eliminates the problem of constipation.
• Eliminates thyroid problems.
• Improves health.
• Cures any problem in the urinary tract
• Quickly heals shortness of breath.
• Improves cell activity.


Helps in weight loss

There are numerous things individuals do to lose weight, but many don’t know that you can lose weight through the roots of orchid trees.” At one point, my weight was around 8-10 kg overweight. I couldn’t walk properly despite putting in a lot of effort at the gym. After that, on the advice of a doctor friend, I started boiling the roots of an orchid tree in a cup of water. I would drink the water when its volume is reduced to half. After consuming it for a few days, I noticed a change in myself.

Cures stomach ulcers

Orchid leaves work very well for ulcers. If a person has stomach ulcers, then if that person drinks 10-20 ml of the juice of orchid leaves with ginger, brown sugar, and a glass of water every day, that person will get rid of ulcers. You will get more health benefits; moreover, if you drink this way every day, you will not have stomach worms.

Resolves menstrual problems

“Boiling orchid blossoms with brown sugar in water and ingesting it every day will help a lady recuperate if she has menstrual problems, such as irregular periods and uterine problems.”

Eliminates the problem of indigestion

“If a child is suffering from indigestion, making a tea of 10 leaves of pennywort with fenugreek seeds and drinking it 2 times a day will help cure it quickly.”

Eliminates thyroid problems

“If thyroxine levels are ever reduced in the body, the problems that a person will face include weight gain, hair loss, body pain, skin tightening, and constipation. Conversely, if there is an increase in thyroxine levels in the body, the problems that a person will face include menstrual irregularities, weight loss, high heart rate, sleep disturbances, excessive anger, and so on. Thyroid hormone possesses both active and regulatory properties, enabling it to effectively maintain body balance.”

Cures any problem in the urinary tract

“Urinary tract infection is a prevalent issue nowadays, affecting many people. However, if you wish to address this problem at home, you can do so using the buds of the orchid tree. Take 2 kg of orchid buds and boil them in 2 glasses of water. Once the water reduces from 2 glasses to 1 glass, drink this solution. Gradually, it will alleviate the urinary tract infection. Additionally, if the person suffers from piles or has an abscess at the site of passing stool, this remedy can also help alleviate those conditions.”

Eliminates the problem of constipation

“The importance of the orchid plant is immense in alleviating the problem of constipation. Red-colored orchid flowers are dried, powdered, and consumed with honey to obtain quick healing benefits.”

Quickly heals shortness of breath

“To relieve shortness of breath or maintain a healthy respiratory system, orchid tusks should be crushed thoroughly and boiled. After boiling, the juice should be consumed. This is beneficial for the respiratory system and can help alleviate allergies, asthma, cough, fever, and dysentery.”

Improves cell activity

“Orchid leaves improve blood circulation in the body. If we regularly drink orchid leaf juice, blood circulation in the body remains normal, and blood clotting is prevented because orchid leaves contain quercetin, amphoral, astragalin, amino acids, and gluconic oxide.”

Improves health

“After learning about the health benefits of orchid plants, I will now attempt to summarize them. Orchid plant buds help eliminate stomach worms, cure fungal infections, aid in controlling diarrhea, and alleviate hemorrhoids. Consuming the roots with curd can help remove blood clots. Orchid leaves are highly beneficial for alleviating knee pain, rheumatism, and muscle cramps.”

Are orchids poisonous to cats and dogs?

“Different people have different opinions about whether the orchid plant is poisonous to dogs or cats, but I can say from my personal experience that the orchid plant is not poisonous to your dog or cat in your house. This is a 100% guarantee because I have dogs and cats in my house as well. By staying next to the orchids, they are not harmed and have not been harmed so far.”

How to Care for Orchid Plants at Home

In the above discussion, we learned how various complex diseases can be cured through the orchid tree. Now, I am not going to discuss that further. Instead, I will present how to properly care for an orchid tree, drawing from my personal experience of nurturing one for about 5-6 years.

The first things you need to take care of are:


“Orchid plants cannot tolerate too much UV light from the sun, which causes the leaves to wilt. Therefore, these plants grow best in filtered sunlight, such as on the side of your house or window that does not receive direct sunlight, i.e., indirect sunlight.”


“In general, orchids can withstand temperatures of up to 15 to 27 degrees Celsius during the day. A slightly cooler temperature at night works very well to refresh the plant.”


“Watering should be done very cautiously because if the orchid plant receives too much water, its roots can rot. Therefore, I check the soil at the base of the plant once a week. If the soil feels hard or not sufficiently soft, then I water it. Additionally, I ensure that excess water drains out from the bottom of the pot to prevent root rot.”


“Humidity is very beneficial for orchid plants, but its level should not be more or less than 50%-70%. Orchids can be kept moist by placing a tray filled with water and rocks under the pot or by using a humidifier. I follow the first method.”

Potting Mix:

“Potting soil plays a very important role in orchids, but I repot them every 1 to 2 years to ensure the plants receive adequate nutrients.”


Applying fertilizers is very beneficial for plants as it provides them with artificial nutrients. However, it’s crucial to know the right time to fertilize and when to refrain from doing so. For instance, I give fertilizer to my orchid plant once a month, and I mix organic fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for this purpose. I adjust the fertilizer composition based on the plant’s age and height. It’s advisable to avoid applying fertilizers to plants during winter.


“Regular pruning is beneficial for trees as it helps maintain their beauty. Any dead leaves, stems, or branches should be pruned with sharp scissors, a task I undertake consistently.”

Pest and Disease Control

“Insects can damage orchid plants, so special attention should be paid to spiders, aphids, and scale insects. Regularly cleaning the leaves of the plant or spraying them with neem leaf juice can help prevent pests from harming the plant.”

Rest Period

“I didn’t know before that plants need rest. I was very happy when my orchid flowed for the first time, but after a few months, my orchid did not flower again. After a few months, the plant flowered again. So if you plant flowers, then you have to give it as much time as possible for the next flower to come.”


“In conclusion, I would like to say that orchids are very good plants that will significantly improve the beauty of your home or apartment. Additionally, you may sense the presence of natural emotions in a house if it has a tree. If you are a tree lover, you should plant orchid plants with other plants. In the above discussion, I highlighted my personal experience.”












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